Some classic elements from Goldeneye are also present if you work hard enough. Although Perfect Dark uses a very similar game engine to Goldeneye, the story, setup, weapons, and multiplayer are all different. Q: Is Perfect Dark a sequel to Goldeneye? A: No. Thanks! ^_^ Q: What is Perfect Dark? A: Perfect Dark is the new shooter created by Rare for the Nintendo 64. Preliminary FAQ New players to the game, please come here before asking me any questions. The markings will allow you to skip over unnecessary portions of each mission. I¿ve clearly marked each paragraph as applying to specific difficulty levels, or all of them. Instead of simply typing up several walkthroughs for each difficulty level, I¿ve lumped them all together to save space and assure continuity. Now, I picked a.different way of writing the mission walkthroughs.

I could go on about how much majesty is in this game, but you can just check out my review at. Set in the futuristic 2023, where we FINALLY have hover cars and such, Agent Joanna Dark, the star operative of the Carrington Institute is being sent on her very first mission, one that will end up holding the fate of the Earth in its outcome. This FAQ is for the latest masterpiece from the wizards at Rareware. Introduction Hi! Thanks for stopping by and looking at my FAQ! I¿d like to say that this is the first FAQ I¿ve ever published and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it. Submitted Game Setups (from YOU, the readers! ^_^) 11.

Other (Cheats, Hidden Secrets, or Fun Stuff) 9. Blonde's Revenge Special Assignment: Maian SOS Special Assignment: WAR! Final Combat Training: The Duel (One of the following for each mission) A. Missions/Walkthroughs 1.1 DataDyne Central: Defection 1.2 DataDyne Research: Investigation 1.3 DataDyne Central: Extraction 2.1 Carrington Villa: Hostage One 3.1 Chicago: Stealth 3.2 G5 Building: Reconaissance 4.1 Area 51: Infiltration 4.2 Area 51: Rescue 4.3 Area 51: Escape 5.1 Air Base: Espionage 5.2 Air Force One: Antiterrorism 5.3 Crash Site: Confrontation 6.1 Pelagic II: Exploration 6.2 Deep Sea: Nullify Threat 7.1 Carrington Institute: Defense 8.1 Attack Ship: Covert Assault 9.1 Skedar Ruins: Battle Shrine Special Assignment: Mr.